
Institute of Knowledge and Leadership (IKL) is a corporate learning and development power house specializing in organization intervention and talent evolution backed by years of result-oriented service excellence. Our programs are aimed at preparing and honing essential competency skills to meet challenges of operating in a global economy, head on.

IKL’s presence in Pakistan, with access to cutting-edge man and material resources, including its highly qualified pool of trainers in more than 400 knowledge areas, is a testimony to our credentials.

IKL Philosophy

IKL has identified Growth, Excellence, and Leadership as three dynamic components of an evolving organization. This evolution, we believe, is the catalyst driving organizational and individual transformation towards leadership in this day and age. Hence we have chosen these to be our magna carta.

Our Mission

Creation of value for every individual in a society through an enhanced excellence level.

Our Vision

Development of transformative global leaders, textured with rich blended knowledge from academia and industry serve as co-creators of sustainable institutional growth.