Course Overview
Managers in leading organizaons are responsible for charng out the future of their organizaons through idenficaon and management of emerging threats, issues and problems, strategizing their strengths in exploing opportunies, and seng long term goals and objecves. This process is called 'strategic thinking.' A recent study of Wall Street Journal of Corporate Human Resources menoned that 'strategic thinking' is one of the top execuve skills that organizaons are looking for. Today's environment is turbulent and comprises of various important variables. Therefore, it provides various opons or potenal soluons to the organizaons in order to handle different scenarios. Those opons somemes seem impossible to achieve but with detailed analysis, they become workable and create understanding. Effecve strategic thinking process requires combinaon of both the detailed analysis and intuion in order to make informed decisions. Strategic thinking is a connuous process in which organizaons assess the strengths and weaknesses of the company and analyze the competor's posions and industry trends. Decisions are made on the base of detailed analysis. Strategies' success depends on their uniqueness and successful execuon of the set goals. Strategic thinking benefits the organizaons in terms of increased financial returns and return on people.