Critical Thinking for Strategic Decision Making

Course Overview

Critical thinking is a process of conceptualizing, analyzing and evaluating the gathered information in order to form appropriate actions. The information may come from an experience, reflection or communication. In its ideal form, critical thinking comprises of universal intellectual values.

Critical thinking consists of two components:

  • A set of information and necessary skills to process
  • A habit to use intellectual commitment in order to guide the behaviors

A well cultivated critical thinker:

  • Formulates vital questions and problems, analyses answers
  • Uses abstract ideas and gathers relevant information
  • Draws well-reasoned conclusions and solutions against the relevant standards
  • Thinks with an open mind within alternative systems of thought
  • Communicates effectively with other people and diagnoses complex problems.

Course Objectives

  • Identify the real-world examples of critical thinking and assess their importance in businesses
  • Learn how to use effectively the critical thinking skills in order to make informed decisions
  • Select the best techniques of recognizing and evaluating the assumptions in order to make conclusions
  • Discover 7 ways to identify a weak argument 
  • Learn how to translate an abstract idea into a well defined argument
  • Recognize 8 barriers that hinder critical thinking 
  • Reduce the impact of work stress on the thinking processes
  • Adopt curiosity in place of emotions
  • Get a roadmap in order to develop critical thinking skills

Course Methodology

The training is going to be highly interactive combination of lectures, group discussions, questionnaires, individual reflections, role plays, simulations and videos.

Target Audience

All business professionals who are seeking to achieve better results in businesses.

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